Intentional Living.
This morning I drove my parents to the airport in the dark. New Year’s Day waiting for the rising sun to announce it’s presence. 2010! How many resolutions made? How many sworn diets already broken by a breakfast croissant smothered in butter? I tend not to make New Years resolutions.Things like eat less, exercise more are more of a daily challenge than a yearly promise. Still, as I drove home from the airport I started thinking about my life and how the older I get, the faster the years seem to slide away and the importance of “to do” lists seem more urgent. My young children are such a measure of time. It’s as if I blinked and my baby marched her way into kindergarten. Six years gone and committed to memory. As I pulled into the driveway I thought for a minute about how I got there…to my driveway in the dark, the road I travelled often, committed to memory as if I drove on autopilot barely thinking about my route. Had I been living my life like this also? On autopilot!? Sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat work. Sleep, eat, get married, have children, do laundry. Sleep, eat, do laundry. And suddenly in the dark of my garage at 4am I knew that my New Year’s resolution ought to be to LIVE INTENTIONALLY…to be aware of the speed at which the days pass and to live each one with purpose. To live each day for Christ. I know for sure that I will struggle with this but I also know that it is worth the struggle and that driving on autopilot in the dark is a spiritual journey God wants us to take so that we may see the light beside us glowing over the head of our savior…the pilot.
Happy New Year!
To read more about “Intentional Living” refer to the women’s ministry page for a list of studies available.
Intentional living studies will help you learn what God has to say on various life topics so that you will choose to live your life for HIS purposes. These studies will include video series, books by Christian authors, and teachers from our own Women's ministry. Personal study time, small group discussions, and lectures will help you in this process.