Saturday, December 1, 2012


Before we are even able to sit at our thanksgiving tables and give thanks the world shouts “Christmas”!  Hurry or you’ll be left behind!  Shop!  Buy!  Spend!  Decorate!  Organize!  And suddenly there are 50 emails that weren’t there before about savings you just can’t pass up!  Fed Ex is working overtime.  Packages are piled high at your door.  Mothers are flocking to department stores to find the perfect Christmas attire for the perfect photos and green and red outfits for each day of the week.  Families are stressed.  Husbands are hunched over their computers looking at finances.  Wives are striving for perfection and drinking hoards of coffee to keep them running like hamsters on wheels.  Kids are circling every single toy in the catalogue for Santa.  It’s madness.  It’s overwhelming.  It’s Christmas?

Yesterday, my doorbell rang.  It was a package from one of my dearest friends.  I opened it and had to sit down for a minute.  It was a book.  I turned the crisp pages carefully and studied the words, letting them pour over me and into my spirit.  As I did, the world got quiet.  My to-do lists vanished and in that moment, even the most beautiful decoration I had could not compete with the words on the page.       

I read: “If we could condense all the truths of Christmas into only three words, these would be the words: “God with us.”

“God saw what the world most desperately needed, and what He chose to give us was Himself....This is the message of Christmas."  

The stuff that our humans eyes crave on earth, are merely dust in the wind compared to the treasures our spirits will inherit in heaven when we meet our maker.  And the story of  our maker...the Christmas story is the only gift whose wrappings can bring peace until we get there.  

This Christmas, let the true meaning adorn you.  It will be the most beautiful decoration you’ve ever had in your home and your heart.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When Church Feels Like a Chore

Do you ever have this kind of self talk on a Sunday morning: 

The kids look so darn cute in their pajamas and they are playing so nicely together!  Why ruin a good thing by snapping fingers and demanding that everyone get dressed in frilly dresses and uncomfortable fancy shoes?  Why not just EASE into Sunday with coffee, a pancake and omelet breakfast and some cuddle time with the family?  There are plenty of church programs on tv you can tune into to quiet that guilty conscience of yours.  Some of them even have real “feel good” preachers so you can go about your day feeling motivated and inspired.  You have so much to do around the house too, so staying home and getting things done is such a wise decision.  The garage floor needs sweeping, the drawers need cleaning out and you really should go through all the stuffed animals and give some to goodwill before Christmas.  You are just too busy for church!    

OK, so what’s the deal?  There will always be 101 reasons to stay in your pajamas on a Sunday, but the number ONE reason to get out of bed and out of your house and into a house of worship IS....because God has invited you.  It’s as simple as that.  It’s not because it will make you a better person, or because the church needs you to work in childcare, or because you should be seen as the woman who goes to church.  

It’s because God invites us to worship Him.   

If you are having issues with going to church, take it to God.  Tell Him you are having a hard time with whatever it is.  The music, the teaching, the lack of donuts in the foyer.  Whatever it is, big or small, God is the only one that can fill your heart and soul with what you feel is missing.  But here’s the deal.  He wants you there.  So He can fill you in community.  So you can be a light to someone who needs it.  So you can hear yourself say: "Why yes, King of Kings, I would lOVE to accept your invitation!  

See you on Sunday friends.  It’s been a while.  


Monday, October 1, 2012

A Bowl Full of Grace

My little one helps me set the table.   She looks at me with her big brown eyes, eyelashes as long as feathers and asks if she can put out the plates.  She likes to help.  
“What’s in the green bowl mommy?”  
“Words, I say with a smile.  Special words just for us.”
 I stop what I’m doing to look at her and the moment between us, before the dance of dinner plates begins is the moment I tuck into my heart and keep forever.  

For 3 years I prayed for her.  I cried into my husbands shirt in the toilet paper isle of Sam’s club because my womb was empty.   God heard my cries.  He saw me in the woods alone at the women’s retreat, my nose in a book.  He told me to look upward.  I saw three of them.  Wings gliding without effort on the wind’s breath.  He whispered to me.  You don’t have to work so hard.  I have you.  Glide.  Like they do.  I’ve got you.  In that moment I surrendered.  All of it.  The counting of days.  The google searches.  The waiting. The testing.  The crying.  The trying to have the baby that would never come.  Offered it all up in a single word.  Surrender.  That’s when the Lord gave her to me.    

Friday I sat on my knees on the floor holding her hand because all the chairs were taken in the room where they worked on her teeth.  I cried.  My baby.  Perfect.  Prayed for.  The devil was at me that day.  This precious one.  You’ve ruined her.  My mind raced over every birthday party bag filled with treats.  Chocolate in her milk.  Syrup on her pancakes.  Ice-cream in her bowl.  Standing on tip toes watching snow cones getting made.  I want rainbow mommy!  
Am I a terrible mother?  We don’t buy juice or soda.  We love apples at bed time.  We brush.  I sing while the brush spins.  It’s not enough.  They put the needle inside her cheek.  The devil puts one in my heart. 

Her big sister named her before she was even conceived.  The neighbor told us that my 3 year old daughter Paige announced at the play date “mommy is having a baby.  It’s a girl.  Her name is Annalise!”  I looked at the neighbor and apologized.  I have no news.  But oh how I wish!  Nine months later I did give birth to a girl!  We named her Annalise because when I looked up the meaning: “devoted to God” and “Grace”...I knew it was meant for her.  

She puts the forks and knives sideways beside the plates.  It makes me smile.  
"Can we read the words now mommy?"  
  Everyone takes a card from the green bowl.  “God has a plan for my life” “ I am wonderfully made.”  “It’s okay to make mistakes”  We read the words out loud to each other.  His words feed us.  Fill us in our imperfection.  Nourish our bodies and our souls.  The green bowl full of words. 
The devil wants to grab hold and devour us doesn’t he?  Wants to tell us how we fail.  Tell us we can’t ever be good enough.  Tell us we are unworthy.  Unable to lose weight.  The miscarriage was our fault.  The cancer could have been prevented.  We are not good at anything.  We’ve ruined a good thing.  We will never be enough.  Lies.  He spews and spits at us.  But when we are together and partaking of the truth, we know that God’s goodness prevails.  Always. 

We put the cards back in the bowl but the words stay in our hearts.  We are grateful for how His love has brought each of us to the table.  Together we are ALL devoted to God and together with the ones we love we choose to feast on His grace. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Picture Perfect

I bought this print early in my marriage.  I loved the romance of the couple dancing on the beach and it reminded me of how much I enjoyed being in my husbands arms.  
Ten years later...  
I am sitting in my living room saying a prayer.  It went something like: "God, what do we have to do to communicate better?"  At that moment the Lord revealed the answer in a picture I had looked at thousands of times.  

“If you want your marriage to look like the couple dancing, you have to be the servants.” 

I’ve never seen that picture or my marriage the same way again.  In seasons when my marriage needs a little extra prayer, I try to remember that my role as my husbands partner in this thing called life is to make sure he is taken care of.  And yes, my husband is called to do the same for me...and when we are both serving one another with all of our hearts, the dance, the picture perfect dance begins.  

I hope you never stop serving and dancing with the love of YOUR life!

Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord

Ephesians 5:28-29
In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.  He who loves his wife loves himself.  For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grace, Olympic style.

Proverbs 24:16

For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.

Aren’t the Olympics SO much fun? My family cheers for the Americans, the Canadians and the underdog.  We cheer for those athletes whose back stories are rich with details of the challenges they have overcome to be standing there. We cheer for the favorites. We cheer and cheer and cheer and make jokes about our own Olympic abilities. My husband is an Olympic water daddy. That’s the fine sport of balancing your daughters in the pool like surfers until they plunge into the water screaming DADDY! I sit on the sidelines, an Olympic potato chip eater, devouring bags of the crunchy snacks in world record time while cheering for the water Daddy. Sometimes between bites I’ll offer scores. “9.5”!  When the Olympics are on, everything becomes a silly competition in our family.       

My favorite sport to watch is women’s gymnastics. My own little girls are amazed at the flexibility and strength of these young athletes. We can hardly take our eyes off of team USA in their red shiny body suits and slicked back sparkly hair.  And as we are watching girl after girl mount and then execute their routines on the balance beam, we are nervously aware that any misstep could cause them to fall off.  So much is at stake and the tension of this truth weighs heavily in the air. 

A day later images of the gymnasts are still with me but this time I imagine that I am the woman in glistening red and I’m balancing more than an Olympic dream...I am balancing my family on that narrow beam. The sport of parenting is under a harsh spotlight and the judges wait to deliver my fate.  If I misstep, I risk dropping the most important people in my life.  If I try and do too many steps at once I will lose focus. If I focus on the child I’m balancing on my left side, the child on the right side will fall and likewise if I focus too much on the right side, the child on the left will suffer. Each step I take must be perfectly thought out and balanced.  If I stop moving, if I stop thinking, if I go too fast, too slow....each move will be followed by a consequence. I must be perfect. I am being watched.  Judged.  I love my children so much!  That’s when the weight of the girls in my arms becomes too heavy and I let go of my family.  Completely let go. We all fall. Hard. And on the dusty floor, before the pain of the fall even pierces me, I hear the Lord whisper, “It’s time for a coach.”  

What? But I know what I’m doing.  I’ve been parenting for 8 years.  I’ve got this. And then I look around at my children on the floor and that’s when the pain pierces and that’s when the Lord takes my hand and I weep into his hands as he raises us back on to the beam.  

"Lord, I cry, I had SO much focus on my family...why did we fall?"  And the moment I ask the question is the moment the answer comes. God wanted the focus to be on HIM. 
The judges have left. It’s just me and my husband, the kids, the beam and the Lord.  
And so we begin again.  

Grace.  Amazing Grace how sweet it is.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Words to live by

I recently came across a photo and “inspirational” quote on facebook and stopped to take a peek.  After reading the words and seeing a few people’s comments; “I love this” and “words to live by!” I closed my computer and continued with my daily household duties.  I did the laundry, dishes, vacuumed and all the while those words “respect yourself long enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you” burned a hole in my spirit.  I couldn’t shake the feeling that if I HAD lived by those words, I might be a very lonely person by now. When my husband was less than perfect in my eyes, I would have walked.  When my kids were whining, demanding and driving me crazy I would have ran.  When my job had seasons of monotony I would have left.  When my uncle who was on drugs and struggling ended up in prison, I would have stopped communication.  And how many people would have walked away from ME?  Is THIS what God had in mind when he sent his son to die for us?  What about grace?  Forgiveness? What about the cross?  I don’t want to live a life so shallow that if someone fails me I walk.  I want to dig deep and ride the storms out so that I can feel even for a moment the love that Jesus intended us to have.   So I sat down and poured a cup of tea and wrote a different “inspirational” quote.  Something that filled my spirit. And I urge you too, to not let the world bombard you with messages without questioning them, listening to your spirit and consulting with the greatest source of life-giving inspiration....the bible.  Words to live by.  

The path to happiness is going to God with your burdens and giving with a servants heart when all you want to do is walk away.   And when you begin to plant humble seeds of gratitude... that’s when the real growth begins. 

If someone hasn’t served you, grown you or made you happy, remind yourself that you are not God.  

If someone hasn’t served you, grown you or made you happy, chances are it’s because you haven’t served them, grown them or made them happy. 

Matthew 18: 21-22 NIV
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when sins against me?  Up to seven times? "Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."  

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Beginning

With every ending comes a new beginning.
It’s the start of summer, and so many things have come to an end.  Such a bitter sweet day for many parents who will watch their sons and daughters fly away from the nest.  My daughter is only in second grade but as I watch her leaf through the work she has produced all year, each colored piece of paper exhibiting her ability to be independent of ME, each word she has written, her own, I can’t help but feel a little lighter, and a little sad.  When she was a baby in my arms I felt the weight of her so close to my body.  I could inhale her sweet breath and keep her tiny fingers tucked in the palm of my hand.  Now those same fingers are creating, writing and grabbing life with an exuberant energy.  Those tiny hands once stroked my cheek as I nourished the girl they belonged to and now I worry about how the world will try to nourish her.  I pray she learns to seek The Lord...the only one who can nourish her fully.   I think of these things as I watch her reading a poem she wrote about the color blue.  
I cry a little. 
“Oh mom, you always cry,” she says matter of factly.  Yes, we mothers cry.  Our swollen hearts can take a lot but sometimes we need to let a little emotion out so we don’t burst.  
For all the moms out there whose hearts are full, swollen, devastated, joyful, relieved, grieving...remind yourself that with every ending comes a new beginning and that the God that created us will hold us in his loving arms comforting us until we have eyes to see just how beautiful His new beginnings can be.  
Happy summer.  Happy new beginnings.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Walking in Her Shoes

I’m moving in a few weeks.  I’ve started packing, sifting through our things deciding which of them are special enough to keep and which will make the trip to goodwill and in the midst of purging and packing I found a little treasure that made me stop what I was doing and just sit quietly.   

My grandmothers slippers. 

They are the knitted kind and smell like the farm where my grandmother used to live.  I took them from the house after she passed away because my grandpa said it was ok and because I wanted something that reminded me of her in her everyday routine.  I can just see her perfect posture as she sits to write letters at the kitchen table in the evenings, a pot of tea whistling on the stove, her feet in the knitted slippers.  Maybe I hoped that the slippers would help me to walk in the steps of my grandmother who wasted NOTHING, made things from scratch, stitched quilts out of old dresses and grew plants for church folk that needed a helping green thumb. I sat with those slippers in my hand for a while and just REMEMBERED her.  
When you move you go through all your STUFF and you ask yourself “why?”  Why did we buy this.  Why did we need THAT?  WHY did we collect all this junk?  And then you come across something like my grandmothers slippers and you are reminded about what is important.   I put the slippers on my feet and continued packing.  Yes, the slippers are special enough to keep.
This Mother’s Day, whether you are celebrating or remembering your grandmother, mother or mother-in-law, take some time to imagine what it would be like to walk in her shoes/slippers.  
What qualities do you admire about her?
What experiences have bonded you with her?
How are you different from her?
In what ways do you wish you could be more like her?
What traditions has she passed on to you?
Read Proverbs 31: 13-31 

Sunday, April 1, 2012


How do you SALUTE our God? Going to church, modeling Christian behavior and doing good works all honor Him, but what about finding a quiet space and simply praising Him? Giving God the best of our quiet selves in a gesture of total surrender and thanksgiving is a humbling and honoring way to pay respect or “salute” our creator.

The dictionary describes “SALUTE” as: to pay respect or honor. To address with expressions of respect. To express respect or praise for; honor; commend

The bible tells us to “salute” one another with a holy kiss. Romans 16:16

If we salute our Lord first, he will fill us with His perfect love so we can Salute others with a genuine heart.

SEEK out a quiet space.

ASK the Lord to meet you

LISTEN to His whisper.

UNDERSTAND the wisdom He imparts

THANK Him with praise

EXPERIENCE God’s perfect peace

As Christians, may we all have the courage to SALUTE our God wherever we are, in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in so we can truly honor Him in all things.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


For the first time in my 10 year marriage to an amazing man, I confess that this week I have experienced the feeling of LUST.
I lust after the perfect floor plan! If you feel relieved, don’t. It’s a serious thing and I don’t think much different than the lust one experiences for a man, a drink or the myriad of other things we can yearn for in this world. Lust. That word has struck me smack dab in the head and left me searching for ways to stay grounded, stay in the word and not be so obsessed with what I want. The dictionary explains lust using words such as overwhelming desire, intense and unrestrained. As my husband and I search for the possibility of a new home, I have found myself googling images and placing my things and my life in the perfect floor plan with an overwhelming, intense and unrestrained lust! Have you done this lately? It’s not hard to do. Honestly, just walking through the aisles of target might have you wanting. Wanting. Wanting! All with the justification that the things we want are so small and cheap that we’re actually doing our families a favor by getting them. So is it really a BAD thing to want? After all isn’t it in a women’s DNA to nest, take care of our homes and provide a beautiful place of peace and comfort for our loved ones? Yes! But we have to be careful that the inner desire in us to want THAT, doesn’t become greater than our desire to want HIM. And so this week, I am carefully and prayerfully asking God to keep my eyes on HIM. I am trusting Him to provide all that we need. I am thanking Him for all that He is. I am working hard to quiet the “wants” and awaken the “thanks” and in the end I know the only house that is truly worth my intense overwhelming desires and thoughts, is the House of the Lord. Amen!

Lord, thank you for creating us to be nurturing, caring, purposeful nesters and caretakers. Thank you for putting the desire in me to want to be a good wife and mother. I am so grateful for this life. I confess that I have lusted after worldly desires and I ask that you forgive me and replace my “wants” with thoughts of YOU. Fill me with the gift of your presence and help me to stay focused on you. Help me to put aside any anxiety or worthless stress that moving into a new home can bring and fill me with a calm, peaceful security that can only come from YOU...because my true hope is in you Lord. In Jesus name, Amen!

1 John 2:15-16
Do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.  For everything in the world- the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does- comes not from the Father but from the world.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Lately these words have been speaking to me, filling me with a great desire to truly know their meaning. And in my path, people have been placed to show me just how powerful these words that have been pressed into my heart can be.

This weekend I travelled to Red Deer Alberta to visit my uncle who is in palliative care at the hospital. My sister, aunt, cousin and I hold his hands, comb his hair, rub his feet and play soothing music to comfort him. We share memories with each other and laugh about the ways we were. I watch his face for a smile. We fill the room with LOVE for this man who lies in bed a different man than months before when he stood and spoke in front of a reunion of family members. A reunion he insisted on organizing even when no-one wanted to step up. Something in him knew the timing was perfect. We reminisce in the quiet of the hospital room, the snow banks lining the streets below. One by one, family members sweep through the room with their offerings of help and encouragement. The love in that room, raw, without reserve. Beautiful. Pure.

My sister and I are filled with the desire to visit my other Uncle. The one who has been an addict most of his life. The one who went to prison at 16. The one who would be going to prison again. The one I am ashamed to say I wrote off as “hopeless.” Now we run to him with opened arms. I see him not as a drug addict but as my uncle. I see his sin no different from my own. I see an urgency to love him where he is at and to whisper in his ear “I will be praying for you.” I am convicted of my judgement of him and the barrier between us is stripped away leaving a deep desire in me to pour into his brokenness.

The night after I return home I am at a bible study sitting across from a beautiful woman I am meeting for the first time. Her blond hair shiny, eyes sparkling, her skin smooth and glowing. She is a mother. A wife. And she is full of the goodness of the Lord. I see that in her face even before she speaks. She opens her mouth to share of her past. An 80 pound toothless addict walking into the doors of prison. An addict. Prison. THIS beautiful vibrant woman. The words roll and shatter into pieces in my mind. And suddenly as I am looking at her I realize that I am looking at HOPE in the living flesh and my heart cries out for my uncle’s salvation. In the morning I stand in the christian book store, tears streaming down my face as I hand the sales clerk a bible and ask her to inscribe it with my uncle’s name. The name of the man I know there is HOPE for.

When my uncle first went to prison, I was four years old. My mother encouraged my sister and I to send him a note and so we sprung into action. My sister who was 8 wrote him a letter and I drew him a picture. We loved our uncle simply and purely. My own children are now 4 and 8 years old and I am thinking of the irony of this as I get ready to mail my gift to him. I am sending him a drawing again, only this time, it is a picture of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE wrapped in the WORD of God. I have FAITH that God has the power to smooth his skin, fill his hollow body and breath new life into his soul. I know that the God who restored the beautiful woman in front of me, healed her with his grace and loved her with his mercy can do the same for my uncle, and standing here now, because of the people God has placed in my path, I get it. Maybe for the first time, I really get it.

May the gifts of Faith, Hope and Love live in your heart for all to see.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Like a seed with so much potential
The New Year
plants itself in our lives whether we are ready or not. Life goes on.

This Christmas as I sat at the kitchen table of our family farm and watched my grandfather pass the potatoes to his new girlfriend I felt so many emotions at once. The loss of my grandmother was heavy on my heart. The house seemed different with her absence. My grandfather seemed different too. He had a sparkle in his eye that wasn’t there last year. He had a lady friend named “Joy” by his side that he was fussing over tenderly, sweetly, the ring he gave her shining up at all of us. Change is hard for most people. Sometimes it’s plain heartbreaking, but God gives us hope to cling to and the promise of something more. My Grandfather was devastated when my grandmother passed away. I remember holding his hand in the airport coffee shop and crying with him as he told me about her going to be with the Lord and the sweet memories of their life together. We could’t have imagined the “Joy” that has come into his life since, but God has given my grandfather peace and joy and a loving hand to hold at the age of 84. The mix of emotions I felt at the farmhouse unravelled by a quiet whisper that told me that while things were indeed different, they were also just fine. Life goes on...and sometimes seeds that were planted long ago can bloom again and again.

May your New Year be full of all of these and Jesus name.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.