If you told your husband that Jesus was coming for dinner and you didn’t have a thing to wear, would the conversation go something like this?
Husband: Didn’t you just go shopping?
You: That was a while ago
Husband: Well what about this?
You: Shrunk
Husband: What’s wrong with that?
You: Stretched out
Husband: And all of these?!
You: Out of style!
Husband: Style? See these jeans of mine? (pointing to the style of which you vaguely remember from the Miami vice era) They are 25 years old AND (he adds rather proudly) they cost me 10 bucks!
Husband: (seeing the crazed look in your eye, he springs into help-my-wife mode and offers what he thinks is a beautiful choice) THIS is the dress!
You: (in a whisper with your head hung low) It’s too sexy…what would Jesus say?
Now the stress of this life changing, most profound and important event of your existence is upon you, you haven’t a thing to wear that is even remotely appropriate and your husband (bless his Miami Vice heart) hasn’t been much help. What to do? Fairy godmother? Sorry. Designer to the stars? (being a “star” to your kids doesn’t count!) Rip down your curtains and pray for the creativity and seamstress skills of Scarlet O'Hara? None of the above will do.
Then you hear an inner voice say: you’ve searched your closet but have you searched your heart? Now you are on the floor sobbing and your poor husband is running for cover.
1 Peter verse 3-5 says:
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful.
I asked a group of Christian women to write on a piece of paper what they would wear if Jesus was coming to their home as a guest for dinner. Not one woman deviated from what they would normally wear but rather chose something to wear that revealed the unique woman they are -- reflections of Him.
God wants to see His Son, Jesus reflected in us from the inside out and it doesn't matter whether we choose to wear a formal gown or a cozy track suit. If what you wear does not distract from how pure our heart is in Him, Jesus will greet us at our door and I believe He might smile and say:
There YOU are! You look LOVELY tonight.
And later the conversation with your husband?
You: Jesus came to OUR house for dinner!
Husband: What did you end up wearing?
You: Funny, I don’t remember..…But I DO know I felt beautiful.
If Jesus was coming as YOUR guest, would you be ready? Is your beauty fading?
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