My husband met me in the moonlight to watch a girl become a princess and in that hour I witnessed not only a little piece of history unfold but I also felt a deep desire to BE “that girl”. Who wouldn’t want a dress tailored by the finest and a diamond tiara borrowed from a queen? A prince stealing bashful glances at you with a sweet smile as if to say “I’m the lucky one”? A choir of boys whose voices hail straight from heaven itself and a husband taking your hand in his to help you into a cinderella carriage so you can be whisked away in utter style and grace?
My breath was taken away by the beauty, chivalry, respect and sweetness of the Royal wedding and after all was said and done, I squeezed my own husbands hand and thought to myself “I’m going to act more like a princess from now on!”
What is romance to you? What makes you feel like a princess in your marriage?
For love is from God and everyone that loves is born of God and knows God…for God is love.
1 John 4:7-8
For all of our young daughters who will one day want to marry and have been asking what it takes to be a princess...
- Dress like a princess. You can dress modestly and still be gorgeous. Dress like a class act to attract a class act.
- Manners. The Queen Mom (or in this case, your future mother-in-law) notices and expects a good mannered gal for her son. Respect your elders.
- Get a life! “Waitie Katie” as Kate Middleton became know as did NOT actually sit by the phone crying. She had a wide circle of friends, kept active on a rowing team and studied diligently in pursuit of her dreams. You are much more attractive when you know what you want out of life and go for it!
- Respect yourself.
- Have high standards. Tell your future prince that before you dated him Jesus was your boyfriend! YES!
- P. S.T Pray. Surrender. Trust. God has a plan for your life.
- Express Gratitude every day.
- Know that you are the daughter of a King!
- Be yourself. Just be who you are. You will attract the one that’s meant for you by being authentic and genuine.
- Move to North Wales, become best friends with Prince William and casually ask if he has any brothers. ;-)
I love this! How wonderful that your hubby would get up with you to watch. I think your prince loves his princess. :)