- PRAY OUT LOUD. Families that pray together stay together. Bring along a copy of the book “The Power of the Praying wife” and “The Power of the praying parent” by Stormie OMartian. There are amazing prayers in these books that cover every aspect of life. Read them out loud to your spouse as he drives or to your children before they drift off for a nap. Not only will your family feel loved, but they will feel protected by the power of the holy spirit over their lives as prayers are lifted on their behalf. We once took a 16 hour road trip together and I read the entire book out loud to my husband. The effect it had on our marriage was priceless. I did lose my voice by the end of our trip though! You might want to consider books on tape as an alternative.
- HAVE THE WRITE STUFF. Having a sparkly or cool new pen and diary for your kids will give them a fun way to express their feelings and experiences on the road. Your kids will love to look back and read what they wrote long after the trip is over and if they are willing to share what they wrote you will get to hear their sweet perspective of your family vacation. BONUS!
- REWARDS! Fill a colorful bag full of dollar store treats and every couple of hours pull something out as a reward for being quiet and kind. Things like silly putty or a new coloring or crossword book can keep them busy until the next pit stop and are great motivators for good behavior.
- FAMILY GAMES. Remember when you were a kid and there was nothing to do in the car on a road trip except stare out the window and play made up games? Kids today still love made up games that involve the whole family. I spy. I’m thinking of an animal...you know the ones.
- HEAD SETS. Giving the kids headsets to watch movies or listen to music will keep them occupied so you can have deep discussions with your husband. Take advantage of having your husbands undivided attention to talk about how the year has gone for your family and what your hopes and dreams are for the future. Some of our most intimate conversations have been on road trips. If your kids are a little older talk to them about their hopes and dreams too. Tell them stories about when you were their age. Use the time to connect and get to know your kids on a deeper level. They want nothing more than your undivided attention. Work, the cooking, laundry and errand running are all in your rear view mirror! RIGHT NOW you have all the time in the world to give to your family.
- CUSTOMIZED FAMILY MUSIC. I got this idea from a friend who likes to play theme songs for her kids when they get in certain moods. Burn a cd of family favorite songs. If the kids get cranky, crank the tunes and do a silly dance from your seat. You’ll break the tension and ignite some giggles!
- SEIZE THE DAY! If you see something beautiful stop the car! The destination IS the journey. Don’t be so set on getting from A to B that you miss out on appreciating the beauty along the way. Feel the wind in your hair, pick flowers, admire a rainbow and open your mouth to a summer rain. God’s paintings are everywhere. Experience it!
- HEALTHY FOOD. Fill a cooler with water, fresh fruit, hummus and pitta chips and choose to stop at Subway instead of the local greasy burger joint. You’ll have energy, be in a better mood and feel great.
- COMFORTS OF HOME. The great thing about driving to your destination is you can bring more than what would fit in a suitcase. Things like pillows, blankets, extra towels and fold up chairs are useful items that fit easily into your car or van.
- HOMELESS PACKS. Before the trip, prepare ziplock bags full of goodies to give to the needy along the road. Items like granola bars, water bottles, sock and toothbrushes are appreciated. Have your kids write notes to put inside the bags. Not everyone can take a fabulous vacation. This little gesture can teach your kids about the world around them and open up discussion about how your family can choose to do your part to help.
PREPARE TO BOND! Being in a car with your family for hours is an awesome bonding experience! Enjoy the open road and your super-awesome-wouldn't-trade-em-for-the-world FAMILY!
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