Saturday, November 1, 2014

You and Me Sister

To the woman who longs for a baby.  To the woman who comes to church alone.  To the woman who takes another pill just to feel ok.  To the woman who’s husband walked away forever.  To the women who can’t find the energy to do the laundry.  To the woman who’s child can't seem to make any friends.  To the woman who stands alone at the school, feeling unknown. To the woman who has cancer....again.  To the woman who has to wait longer than she can bare.  To the woman on facebook who’s hoping you see her.  To the woman who’s choosing to end her life.  To the woman who just lost her son.

"He’s got the whole world in his hands.  He’s got you and me HIS hands." 

This song?  The one we sang when we were little girls?   It’s the same song today.  And tomorrow.  And forever.   When things get hard and the demands of the world come at us all at once,  let's sit down for just a moment, because that’s how long it takes to breath in deep and breath out slow HE HAS YOU IN HIS HANDS.  YOU and ME.   In a whisper He says to the woman at the well who thirsts, "come to me" and the moment she reaches HER hand out to HIS... THE WHOLE WORLD becomes tiny and quiet... in His hands.