Wednesday, December 1, 2010


And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Giving in an authentic way doesn’t mean checking off a list and walking away announcing to the world your good deeds. It is giving with your whole heart. It’s taking the time to sit with someone, look them in the eye and tell them what they mean to you. It’s praying for that person. It’s hearing a prompting from the Lord and acting on it…. whether it be a gift of time, money, act of service or love… It’s not expecting anything in return. It’s giving and then thanking God for the opportunity in a quiet humble way.
Pay for coffee for the person standing behind you in line at Starbucks. Ask their name and pray for them when you get back to your car.
In your mother in law or daughter in laws Christmas card include a heartfelt letter about the things you admire about her.
Bring a neighbor something home made and yummy. Attach the recipe and a bible verse.
Engage a checkout clerk in conversation…you never know what her heart may be longing to hear.
Give your grandmother a foot massage and ask her to talk about her childhood with you. Tell her she is beautiful.
Offer to babysit your neighbor's children without wanting anything in return. Yes, the ones with the 6 kids and a dog! While you’re there, do the dishes or bake some cookies. Get on the floor and PLAY!
Write your husband a love letter and leave it in his car.
Make breakfast for your friends. Use your fancy dishes. Pray for them. Tell each lady what makes her special to you and how you see the Lord reflected through them. (someone did that for me recently and I felt SOOOOOOO special and loved! It made me want to pass it on.) Do this for your husband. Your in-laws. Your children.
Live in the moment and cherish it. While putting your kids to bed don’t be thinking about the tv shows you are missing or the laundry you have to put away. Just lay in bed with them and listen to their sweet hearts. Giggle with them. Love them. Pray for them.
Invite someone to church. Sit with them. Give them a hug. Tell them you care.
Give a homeless person some warm socks. Tell them you may never know what it’s like to walk in their shoes but you would sure like to make their journey a little warmer. Ask them their name. Pray for them.
The gift you can give yourself that doesn’t cost a penny….
Tell yourself: I am the daughter of a King. I want for nothing but His love. I need not change for the world. He made me just as He intended.
(So when the world screams at you that you need to be THINNER PRETTIER RICHER YOUNGER SMARTER FITTER BETTER. Throw your head back in laughter and stand firm in what you KNOW to be true. )
May you and your family see in each other God’s reflected love and kindness and may the gift of forgiveness through his only son renew and restore us all.
Merry Christmas dear friends!


  1. beautifully written. Thank you for your dedication!

  2. This is so great! I hope to fulfill each and everyone of these awesome thoughts.
